Custom Polymer synthesis service to meet your specific needs.

Block Copolymers
We have synthesized many block copolymers for our customers, e.g., PBD-PEG, PS-PEG, PS-PLA,

Biodegradable Block Copolymers
Listed below are some biodegradable block copolymers in our product portfolio, which include diblock copolymers and triblock copolymers. The end functional groups are usually hydroxyl. However, many different kinds of functional groups can be made as clients request.

1. Biodegradable diblock copolymers

(500 - 60,000 Da)

Cat# 242010
Methoxy polyethylene glycol-b-polylactide, mPEG-PLA-OH

Cat# 242030
Methoxy polyethylene glycol-b-poly(lactide-co-glycolide), mPEG-PLGA-OH

Cat# 242040
Methoxy polyethylene glycol-b-polycaprolactone, mPEG-PCL-OH

Cat# 242050
Methoxy polyethylene glycol-b-poly(caprolactone-co-lactide), mPEG-PCLA-OH

Cat# 242060
Methoxy polyethylene glycol-b-poly(caprolactone-co-glycolide), mPEG-PCGA-OH

2. Biodegradable triblock copolymers

(1,000 - 60,000 Da)

Cat# 243010
Polylactide-b-polyethylene glycol-b-polylactide, HO-PLA-PEG-PLA-OH

Cat# 243030
Poly(lactide-co-glycolide)-b-polyethylene glycol-b-poly(lactide-co-glycolide), HO-PLGA-PEG-PLGA-OH

Cat# 243040
Polycaprolactone-b-polyethylene glycol-b-polycaprolactone, HO-PCL-PEG-PCL-OH

Cat# 243050
Poly(caprolactone-co-lactide)-b-polyethylene glycol-b-poly(caprolactone-co-lactide)

Cat# 243060
Poly(caprolactone-co-glycolide)-b-polyethylene glycol-b-poly(caprolactone-co-glycolide), HO-PCGA-PEG-PCGA-OH